With the increasing popularity of U disk, more and more people are accustomed to using U disk as our mobile storage device. U disk to our life has brought convenience and convenience, however, U disk brought us the U disk virus, the more U disk virus began to U disk as a medium, invaded our computer, endangering our computer File security.
Autorun.inf file is a common system file, which is often exploited by the virus to how to remove shortcut virus from pendrive endanger the security of our computer. In order to prevent the autorun.inf virus from harming our computer files by using this file, many people usually delete the autorun.inf file so that the virus can avoid using this file without knowing it. Sometimes we can not manually delete the autorun.inf file, this time we need to use a professional U disk virus killing tool to delete this file. U disk antivirus experts is a professional U disk virus killing tool, the use of this software, we can in-depth killing more than a thousand stubborn U disk virus, you can also repair the U disk virus damage files and system items. U disk antivirus experts installed on the computer, as long as we insert the U disk device, it will automatically detect U disk inside the file whether to bring U disk virus, if there is a virus, you will be prompted to clear the virus and autorun remover then open the U disk file . For the common autorun.inf virus we can use the U disk antivirus expert virus immune function, take advantage of U disk antivirus expert virus immune function, we can generate a autorun.inf file below the specified drive letter, so that you can effectively prevent autorun The .inf virus is spread using this file and the resulting file is inoperable. If we want to delete autorun.inf file, then use U disk anti-virus experts to lift the immune on it.